Your agreement and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions or use of High Capacity Networks (HCN) construes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions which supercede all previous representations, understandings or agreements and shall prevail notwithstanding any variance with terms and conditions of any order. HCN reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions and change pricing and/or services at any time without notice.
NO WARRANTIES. With respect to the services provided, HCN makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including any implied warrantee or
merchantability or fitness of this service for a particular purpose. HCN takes no responsibility for any damages suffered by Customer, including, but not limited to, loss of data from delays,
non-deliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by HCN's own negligence or Customer's errors and/or omissions.
USE OF SERVICE & RESTRICTIONS. This service may only be used for lawful purposes.
Materials and/or transmission in violation of any local, state or Federal regulation(s) is prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.
HCN exercises no control whatsoever over the content, quality or accuracy of the information passing through it's systems.
Customer agrees to refrain from mass postings of the same message to many inappropriate Usenet newsgroups (referred to as spamming).
You agree to refrain from mass, unsolicited e-mailings. You agree to post advertisements only where appropriate, that specifically encourage or allow advertising.
Customer agrees to respect the conventions of the newsgroups, lists and networks to which you are posting, including rules more restrictive than but not limited to the above.
Customers found to be ‘spamming’ through e-mail, newsgroups, or promoting bulk e-mailing or spamming will be terminated immediately.
HCN reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and the right to terminate any account at any time. HCN offers a Point-to-Point Protocol connection to the Internet.
HCN may, at it's discretion, terminate a customer's account for excessive usage with seven days notice. Customer may not use an account as a dedicated modem.
HCN reserves the right to change its pricing at any time. If HCN does so they must give the customer 10 days notice of such.
If the customer is on a prepaid account, the prepaid amount will be honored until prepaid period expires. All Internet connectivity must be within HCNs' acceptable use guidelines.
If HCN suspects or determines client is in breach of acceptable use policy, HCN reserves the right to terminate clients' service.